
Do You Want to Get Well?

Since opening our Rock Solid Families office over two years ago, we have had the privilege of working with hundreds and hundreds of individuals, couples and families. Every day, we see clients who are hurting physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sometimes, it's from their own choices like addiction or infidelity. Other times, it’s at the hands of someone else who has left them feeling abused or abandoned. In many instances, our clients come in feeling paralyzed and unable to see any good that could come from their struggle.

One of our goals in our faith based coaching is to help clients see that there is HELP and HOPE available. It’s promised in his word that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose, (Romans 8:28) but for many clients, that truth is hard to fathom. It’s hard to imagine anything good coming out of their pain and tears. Some have been dealing with their past trauma or living as a victim for so long, their pain has almost become part of the family. 

That was the case for a lame man back in Jesus’ day who was lying by a healing pool in Bethesda. The pool from time to time would stir as the angel of the Lord came and healed whoever made it in first. This particular man had been paralyzed for 38 years and when Jesus met him by the pool,  he had been there for a very long time waiting for someone to help. Can you imagine?  In John 5, we see Jesus coming on the scene asking the lame man the all important question, “DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL?”  The invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” 

Aren’t we a lot like that lame man in Jesus’ day? I know I can be at times. There are days I just want to sit there with my “victim” badge and cry “Someone, anyone, please feel sorry for me! It’s a lot easier to wallow in my circumstances and sit in my pain than do the work to change my situation. It would almost be like losing a little piece of my identity. The invalid had excuse after excuse for Jesus why he hadn’t gone in that water to be healed.  It had been 38 years, for goodness sake! You’d think that would be motivation enough to crawl or beg your way to the pool and be healed.

What about you? How long are you going to wear your “victim” badge? After all, everyone’s got something. Maybe you experienced abuse as a child or were bullied in school. Maybe, you struggle to this day with an addiction or learning disability. Maybe you are like many of our clients who have made some really bad decisions in the past and are still reeling from the natural consequences of their choices. That “ailment” doesn’t have to define you. You don’t have to be “lame” or “blind” forever. Jesus Christ asks us the same question he asked the paralyzed man by the pool-”Do YOU want to get well?” And he extends the same offer of hope and healing to us today. 

Choosing to pursue healthy and healing is not only important personally, but it’s also critical as a parent. What are our children seeing in us-victim or victory? I ask my clients who are also parents that question all the time. We are raising too many victims in our world today. “It’s not my fault” or “No one will help me” are only excuses that perpetuate victimhood. Let’s not let ourselves play the blame game any longer. It’s time to search our hearts and ask ourselves the all important question-”Do I want to get well?” Then, in faith, let’s pick up our mats and start walking.