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Rock solid podcast
Tune in every week for another episode of Rock Solid Radio. A HUGE thanks to our sponsors, MAXWELL CONSTRUCTION and CASEY’S OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS for their support. Without them, Rock Solid Radio would not be possible! You can also subscribe to our podcast page through YouTube, Spotify, IHeart Radio, and Apple Podcasts and get the most recent episodes when they come available. Below is a list of some of our previously recorded programs. Just click on the show you’re interested in and enjoy!
Check out our newest podcast, STRONG DADS!
Every week Merrill Hutchinson and Kyle Crofford tackle all things DAD! A Huge thanks to our sponsors-QUALITY AUTO MART AND CASEY’S OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS for their support of the Strong Dads Podcast. Our aim is to encourage and strengthen dads to be the fathers and husbands God has called them to be. If you’re a dad and have a topic you’d like to see on the show, contact Merrill at and let him know.