
How Are You Using Your Gifts?


Are you living with magnanimity?  After a recent interview with Father Meyer from All Saints Parish, we received a lesson on the Rock Solid Radio show on what living with magnanimity means.  It may be best to explain the opposite in order to understand the intended meaning of the word.  The opposite is often what we see more of from people; living minimally.  Meaning we seek to do the least amount in order to get by.  What’s the least amount of studying I can do to pass the class?  What is the least amount of time I can spend at work?  What is the least amount of commitment I can give to my relationships?  What is the least amount I can train for my marathon race?  You get the picture.  It is about living to the lowest level and still getting by.  

Father Meyer challenged us, as well as he challenged all of his athletes and parishioners to not live with a minimalistic attitude, but rather, an attitude of magnanimity.  Meaning we should live to the fullest of our God given abilities.  We glorify God when we use the gifts he has blessed us with and use them to their fullest.  Magnanimity comes from the Latin words, magna = big, and animus = soul, yes, “big soul”.  We are called to live with a big soul, or in other words, with a heart and desire to love God and bring glory to his name.  Instead of doing the least amount, how about when you do the things that matter, you do them to your fullest?  

Father Meyer explained how he has taken this virtue on as a way of life.  In doing so, he has made a lifestyle commitment to use his gifts as a coach and mentor.  Not only does he serve the people of his parish, but he immerses himself into the local high school community as a track and cross country coach.  He can also be seen at a great variety of other events around the high school or in the community as he feeds into the next generation of leaders.  So, the next time you are thinking about taking the shortcut, or the easy way out, think about what you are saying to God and what you could be doing for your community. 

To watch the full episode of our interview with Father Jonathan Meyer from All Saints Parish , Click Here