Financial Peace

Instant Gratification and Money - Are you sure you “WANT IT NOW”?

Money! Money! Money! “It seems like all we do is argue about MONEY!”  Is this the case in your marriage?  If so, you’re not alone.  When considering the top subjects that couples argue about, money usually makes the top 5 list.  Why is this the case when we live in such a wealthy country?  It turns out, it is not about the money, but about what money represents to people.  A big stack of money in and of itself is just a stack of paper.  But, when you realize what that stack of paper has the power to do, now that’s a different story. 

Money is linked to so many different but powerful emotions.  To many, money may mean security. To others, it may represent freedom and enjoyment. For some, money is a symbol of status or power. Therefore, a lack of money or lack of control over money can create the opposite feelings of fear, punishment, bondage, stress, and powerlessness.  These different emotions and meanings of money is where the conflict and stress can occur.

As human beings, our bodies and minds are drawn toward pleasure. We tend to avoid painful or stressful situations. Many of us have used money as a way of providing pleasure and avoiding pain.    The desire to have a good feeling in the moment is incredibly powerful.  “I WANT IT NOW!”  Instant gratification is real and powerful. How many of us have ever bought something we knew we didn’t need or couldn’t afford, because it felt good in the moment? I can’t be the only one. However, it doesn’t take long to realize that in life, all things come at a price.  The question is whether we are seeking long term satisfaction or instant gratification.  You may be able to have it now, but at what expense? What are you willing to sacrifice?  What level of pain will you receive?  What is the long term and short term cost vs reward?  These are all the questions that mature individuals need to start asking themselves.  

Since we know that so many couples argue about money, then it is likely that they do not agree on money’s cost vs reward.   Financial expert, Dave Ramsey, has developed an entire business and process to help you put this argument to rest. He has given millions of families a new process and way of thinking to help them better understand money and how to use it.  Below is a list of Ramsey’s financial baby steps. Implementing these steps as a couple can greatly reduce the stress and money differences in your marriage.  Also, listen to our recent Rock Solid Radio show in which Merrill and special guest Zac Strobl tackle the subject of money and give excellent useful tools to bring peace to your marriage. Click the links below for more.


  1. Baby Step 1: Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund.

  2. Baby Step 2: Pay Off All Debt. (Except the House) Using the Debt Snowball.

  3. Baby Step 3: Save 3–6 Months of Expenses in a Fully Funded Emergency Fund

  4. Baby Step 4: Invest 15% of Your Income for Retirement

  5. Baby Step 5: Save for Your Children’s College Education

  6. Baby Step 6: Pay Off Your Home Early.

  7. Baby Step 7: Build Wealth and Give.

 To WATCH the full episode of Rock Solid Radio click HERE

To LISTEN to the full episode of Rock Solid Radio click HERE

For more information on getting your finances under control check out: