Rejecting Pornography - Prudent or Prudish?


“It’s what men do.” “What’s the big deal, at least I’m not with another woman.” “It’s my business and it isn’t hurting anyone else.”  These are just a few of the types of statements we hear people using when it comes to pornography use.  As much as I realize that I too am a man, and I too would like to believe the statements above.  The reality is that we see firsthand pornography destroying individuals, marriages, and families.  Yes, I too would like to believe the lies I have told myself about pornography use. But, the harsh reality is that pornography is dangerous and harmful to our culture.  Check out these statistics just to get a glimpse of what is actually going on in this industry. 

Stats or Research - •

  • 30 percent of all data transferred across the Internet is porn. 

  • The sex industry is the largest, most profitable business in the world

  • The porn industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with a net worth of nearly $100 billion, with the U.S. coming in at over $10 billion.

  • Larger revenue than Google, Apple, Yahoo, Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, and eBay combined.

  • The porn industry makes more money than the NFL, NBA, and MLB combined. More than ABC, CBS, and NBC combined.

  • Every second of the day there are over 30 million unique visitors viewing porn. EVERY SECOND!

  • Over 300,000 underaged girls are currently being sold for sex just in the United States. 

  • People who admitted to having an extramarital affair were also 300% more likely to admit to consuming porn than those who did not have an affair.

  • The average age a child is introduced to porn is now 11 years old. 

  • It’s not just a men’s issue anymore. “76% of 18 to 30-year-old American women report that they watch porn at least once a month.

  • The female-targeted erotica novel series, Fifty Shades of Grey, grossed over $1.3 billion alone. Pornography isn’t just a man’s issue. 

Pornography is dangerous and destructive on multiple levels.  It is addictive as it stimulates dopamine production that makes us feel good or aroused.  The more we get, the more we want.  This starts the dangerous cycle of addiction.  

Due to the addictive nature of pornography, people are willing to pay large amounts of money to feed their fleshly desire.  This creates the market for making money.  The problem is not that money is being made, but that money is being made at the expense of others.  Such terms as human trafficking, sex slaves, and prostitution, have exploded out of this industry.  All coming at the expense of those unable to recognize or stop the problem.  Women, children, and even babies fall victim to this industry.  All for the sake of making money by feeding a fleshly human desire.  

Satan loves this industry.  It literally tears people and families apart.  It breaks down God’s perfect design for our society by breaking individuals and families.  The next time you consider giving a nod of approval to the pornography industry, ask yourself if you would be happy with your child being enslaved to an industry that exploits her for her body with no care of her overall mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. 

When we let the facts speak, we see that the truth is that a rejection of pornography no longer needs to be considered a prudish action, but rather a prudent one.  Help to save your marriage, children, and yourself by taking an active stance against pornography.

Click HERE to LISTEN to our podcast on Rock Solid Radio episode 139, Instant Gratification-Sex and Porn.

Click HERE to WATCH our podcast on Rock Solid Radio episode 139, Instant Gratification-Sex and Porn.