School Rock Stars

How in the world can this week be our children’s last week of school?? That’s right, after this week, our school’s out for summer break. Regardless of when your school gets out or whether you have children at all, I think most will agree, students and school staff around the country are rock stars for what they endured this past year. The 2020-21 school year will go down in history as one of the toughest. As a former teacher and coach, I can’t imagine how difficult this year has been inside our schools. Our doctors, nurses and first responders have been recognized over and over again as heroes through the COVID pandemic, but I believe our teachers and staff should be as well.

Rock Solid Families wants to give a huge shout out to all the teachers, aides, coaches, principals, administrators, bus drivers, secretaries, nurses, cafeteria workers, and custodians who worked so hard to make this school year happen. Saying thank you just doesn’t seem enough.  I’m sure they are ready to say good riddance to…

  • Remote learning...

  • all day mask wearing…..

  • one way hallways….

  • Random quarantining...

  • assigned seats….

  • socially distanced classrooms….

  • cancelled or limited events…

  • and sanitizing everything in sight….

You name it and they rocked it! Schools around the country worked tirelessly under extreme and unprecedented circumstances to be there for their students both in and out of the classroom. Did they get it right all the time? Probably not, but who could expect them to in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Over the past year, it was not uncommon to turn on the news or open the paper and read all the things schools were doing “wrong”. Last year, schools made headline news for cancelling proms. This year, schools made headline news for having proms. They were darned if they did and darned if they didn’t. 

Share this article and tag someone you want to thank for the sacrifices they made this year for our kids. Without them, this school year would NOT have been possible.

And let's not forget our students. What a tough year this has been for them. On the last day of school, we need to high five all our kiddos and teachers and take them out for ice cream! They did it! They survived something no one else has ever had to experience. Kids especially need to be reminded, in case they have forgotten, school won’t always be this hard. We have seen a huge spike in our office over the past 9-10 months of kids both young and old presenting symptoms of anxiety and depression and parents calling with concerns about self harm and suicidal ideation in their children. Keep an eye on your kiddos over the summer. Keep the lines of communication open. Whether you’re a student, parent, or teacher, if a high five, some ice cream and a summer break aren’t enough, seek out some help. We’re praying this summer break is just what the doctor ordered, but if it’s not, give us a call at Rock Solid Families or seek out a counselor in your local area. There is HOPE and HELP available, and you are not alone. 

What are your kids doing this summer? Need some ideas? Check out this week’s Rock Solid Radio podcast.