With over 60 years of combined experience in teaching, counseling, and coaching, the Hutchinson’s will provide you with actionable tools to boost your confidence in your parenting skills and mindset.

Families Rock is a new combined effort of Rock Solid Families and the Dearborn County Courts to provide a safe place for adults to learn practical conflict resolution tools and healthy interpersonal skills. The class is designed to equip parents/guardians in a co-parenting situation so they can model healthy habits for their children and grandchildren, no matter how old.

Any Adult is invited to attend. We work hard to provide a non-judgmental space for individuals to come work through complicated family dynamics, whether alone or with other family members.

Please note that childcare is NOT provided, so please plan accordingly.

Classes are held on the fourth Saturday of each month from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Lawrenceburg Fire House (300 W. Tate St. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025). The cost of the class is $75 per household.

For more information, you can call our office at 812-576-ROCK (7625). To register, please click on the “FAMILIES ROCK REGISTRATION FORM” link below. Once you have completed the registration form, please submit it via email by sending it to admin@rocksolidfamilies.org.