Merry Christmas from Rock Solid Families

It is so hard to believe that over two years ago we first opened the doors of Rock Solid Families. Since October 2018, we have worked one on one with close to 400 families in the Greater Cincinnati area and beyond. We are so grateful for the amazing support we have received from families, churches, physicians, businesses, and even other area nonprofits. We pray DAILY for all our clients, partners, and listeners as we partner together in this important mission of strong and healthy families. 


At Rock Solid Families, we believe true peace and joy only come when we build our lives on the unshakable rock of Jesus Christ and the steady truth of His Word. We’ve seen the difference Christ is making in individuals’ and families’ lives when they put their HOPE in Him. So we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, and we declare Him the Lord of our lives and this ministry. In this unsettling year of 2020, God has given Rock Solid Families the amazing privilege to not only keep our doors open but to help more clients than we have ever helped before. We give God all the glory, and trust Him for the direction and provision for this ministry. 

Thank you for believing in us and supporting this all important mission of strong and healthy individuals and families. We believe strengthening the family is how we strengthen our churches and communities and heal our land. As Mother Teresa once said, “if you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”

Praying for you and yours,

Merrill and Linda Hutchinson

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and

 puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house 

on the ROCK 

Matthew 7:24